St Mary's Priory Church, Monmouth

A church has been on this site since 1101AD when it formed part of a Benedictine Priory founded by Withenoc – Lord of Monmouth c.1075 – c.1082. The mother church was located in St Florent just outside Saumur in France. After the disestablishment of the monasteries during the reign of King Henry VIII, the church went into decay – Monmouth Priory was dissolved in 1536. The church was later restored by the Georgians, under the guidance of Smith of Warwick in 1773 and further by the Victorians, under the architect George Edmund Street in 1882 at a cost of £6172.00. The spire rises to 60m. and is the work of Nathaniel Wilkinson of Worcester. The oldest surviving part of the original church is the Norman respond set into the tower which itself is 14th century. The interior dates from 1882 and was designed to accommodate 1000 people. Both chapels were later additions. Many pews have now been removed and replaced by chairs. The pipe organ to the left of the chancel was rebuilt in 1992 and further updated in 1997 by Nicholson and co.,_Monmouth