St Baglan's Church, Llanfaglan

The size of the surrounding churchyard and the presence within the structure of the church of a stone dating from the 5th or 6th century is evidence that an earlier church or churches stood on the site. This is inscribed with “Fili Lovernii Anatemori” these are Latinised forms of the Brythonic names Lovernius and Anatemorus. In its correct upright position, it would read Anatemori Fili Lovernii. It is traditionally credited to its namesake, the 7th-century saint Baglan ap Dingad. The present church dates probably from the 13th century. The chancel was rebuilt in about 1800, when the north porch was also added. Unusually, the church escaped restoration during the Victorian era, and so its interior is still little changed since about 1800. The seating in the nave, chancel and transept consists of box pews and benches, some of which are inscribed with initials and dates. Describing the reasons for its Grade I listing, Cadw states it is "a rare example of a medieval church unrestored in the 19th century, so retaining an exceptionally complete set of 18th-century furnishings". It also comments on its "outstanding isolated setting. Adjacent to the church is a field in which Baglan's well was sited. This was a structure containing seats, and it was said to have healing powers. It was filled in during the 19th century. The church is now approached through a lychgate dated 1722. The bell is dated 1790, and was re-fitted in 2003. POST CODE: LL54 5RA