La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la O
The Church of Our Lady of the O is the main parish church of Sanlúcar de Barrameda. It was built around the year 1360, sponsored by Isabel de la Cerda y Guzmán , 1st Countess of Medinaceli and granddaughter of the first lord of Sanlúcar, Guzmán el Bueno , taking advantage of one of the towers of the old Alcázar that served as a bell tower. The architectural style follows the typology of the Mudejar parish churches of the kingdom of Seville , with a rectangular floor plan with a basilican internal layout, composed of three naves, with a head in the form of an octagonal polygonal apse. The central nave is separated from the lateral ones by arches. The Mudejar cover of sandstone stonework located at the foot of the central nave stands out. Above it are interspersed the noble shields of the house of Guzmán and de la Cerda supported by rampant lions . On the right side of the temple there is a second simpler stonework doorway, with an ogival layout, crowned by a cornice also decorated with mask corbels. Inside we find an impressive Mudejar coffered ceiling (16th century) and beautiful religious images , some of them from the 17th century. Throughout its history, the church of Nuestra Señora de la O has undergone several modifications, and thus the chapels that compose it were added to the original plan. The architect Alonso de Vandelvira, commissioned by Alonso Pérez de Guzmán y Sotomayor, in 1604 built the second body , with an elliptical plan, of the bell tower . The Nuestra Señora de la O church has been listed as an Asset of Cultural Interest since 1931 .